Bugs on the site

I love the Jira product but it has some annoying features

Kanban Board does not always show Issues


Boards are designed to work with versions/releases. If you don’t specify either, nothing shows, so the workaround below will resolve this issue

By default when you create an issue on a Company Managed Kanboard the issue does not show up on the board. Here is the fix

For example, consider this project, it’s a Kanban Company Managed

If you select the Issues you will see

Selecting the “Board Settings” you will see the issues are there in the Backlog but not being displayed

Select “General”

Look for the “kanban board sub-filter”

It will currently have the following in it fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY

It needs to be updated with the following fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY OR project = "QA Jira TODO App (KB CM)" AND type in standardIssueTypes() Once changed select Update

Navigate back to the board the issues will now be displayed

The project value can be the project key as well as the project name

More info on this can be found at https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/jira-software-kanban-board-does-not-show-all-issues-779158700.html


If you create a sub-task as part of an Epic, Story, or another task, they will not automatically appear on your board. Modify the above filter to the following query (Kanban board sub-filter) to

fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY OR project = "QA Jira Essentials TODO (KB CM)" AND type in standardIssueTypes() OR type = Sub-Task