Before you do anything make sure you have installed the plugins for the particular git repo you are working.
GitHub Integration
It's not as simple as the Bitbucket integration.
Go to Jenkins/configuration then scroll down to GitHub
- add the default Github server "https://api.github.com" no credentials and give it a decent name
- Click on the Advanced...
- Check the "Override Hook URL" and get the webhook for github
Project using Github
Freestyle project
Make sure you select Git in the Source Control Management section
Pipeline project
Build Triggers
Projects using Bitbucket
Make sure you install the Bitbucket plugin
Freestyle project
In any project make sure the following are set
Git repo webhooks
Simply go to your Settings / Webhooks and add a webhook - <the URL to Jenkins>/bitbucket-hook/
Make sure the url ends with /.
Goto Settings / Integrations & Services / Add services / Jenkins (Github plugin)
Specify the webhook
The save/update the service
Script to build in a pipeline
build script
node { // Mark the code checkout 'stage'.... stage 'Checkout' // Get some code from a GitHub repository withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'b0dab3e6-22ae-4db4-a7fd-5dd417a64a6c', passwordVariable: 'myLord43in43@ccan', usernameVariable: 'swright@celestial.co.uk')]) { //git url: 'https://bitbucket.org/stream2stream/loginmanager/' checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'b0dab3e6-22ae-4db4-a7fd-5dd417a64a6c', url: 'https://stream2stream@bitbucket.org/stream2stream/loginmanager.git']]]) // Get the maven tool. // ** NOTE: This 'M3' maven tool must be configured // ** in the global configuration. //def mvnHome = tool 'M3' // Mark the code build 'stage'.... stage 'Build' // Run the maven build //sh "${mvnhome}/bin/mvn clean install" sh "/bin/mvn clean package" sh 'cp target/LoginManager-1.0.war target/LoginManager.war' sh 'mv target/LoginManager.war /var/jenkins_home/workspace/"Deploy Login Manager"/' } }
, multiple selections available,
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