4. Jenkins - setting up a job
git clone https://livingwater@bitbucket.org/living-water-js/pipeline-sample-code.git
Once you have Jenkins running
Select the option shown above
Give your project a name and select the option above, then select OK
At the Source Code Management section - select Git, then enter the Git URL
You will need to add your login credentials if this is the first time Jenkins is accessing your git account
Select Jenkins
Make sure the above option is set
Enter the details shown above and select Add
Your credentials should now be shown as above
Select Apply and Save (lower left of screen)
Build Steps
Select the “Add build Step” button
Because you are working on a Windows machine, select the option shown above.
We are going to check that your machine is setup correctly
Enter the following commands in the area that is now showing
As you can see we’ve added to commands
node -v
npm -v
If the commands above successfully worked we can move onto the next section
Completing the Build
Using Windows File Explorer create the following file structure C:\temp\app
Back in Jenkins in your project follow the steps below -
Replace the above build commands with
Now add a second build step
Add these instructions
xcopy /E /-Y *.* c:\temp\app
cd c:\temp\app
npm i
And finally, add a third build step
Add these instructions
You should have three build steps that look like this
Apply and Save the project