Visual Studio Code Cheat Sheet

Visual Studio Code Cheat Sheet

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Working with Node.js Web Application

Use this sample project

Begin by using the Run button on the left of VSC.

Select the run button at the top/ Add Configuration...

From the dropdown search for "Node.js: Attach to Process"

        "name": "Attach by Process ID",
        "processId": "${command:PickProcess}",
        "request": "attach",
        "skipFiles": [
        "type": "pwa-node"

Now attach VSC to it using the new launch configuration you created above - as you can see here our app is the first in the list

Refresh the browser, the breakpoints should be reached

Using SSH from VSC


These instructions assume that you have created a VM with a public key already assigned to it, and you have the public/private keys available to you on your host.  AWS creates and assigns the keys for you, GCP does not, you will need to USE ssh-keygen to create the keys and then assign the public when you create the VM.  I'm not sure about Azure

  1. Install SSH - Remote tools
  2. Create a config file that contains the connection details, the file is called config with no file extension and should be placed in the /Users/<username>/.ssh folder
  3. Host sels-mc
    	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gcp-key
    	User selvy

    The indentation is important

  4. Open the Remote connection
  5. You might be prompted for OS version, select what's appropriate
  6. A new VSC window appears, select the file explorer button
  7. Select Open Folder
  8. Your home folder on the remote VM should be listed, select OK
  9. The view should update to show the files in your home folder
  10. Opening a terminal window in VSC will shell into the terminal on the remote VM that your VSC instance is connected