AWS CodeStar
A development pipeline for creating web application specifically with the technologies shown below
Create a new project
Select either Node.js or Express.js (recommended)
At this page
Select the editor of choice, you should be presented with options on how to edit the code. We chose “Command line tools”
Clone the code to your dev machine
Make sure you create a .gitignore file
Rename app.js to __app.js
Modify tests.js so the require('../app.js') to require('../__app.js')
Create a new app.js
Modify the app.js to suite your needs (adding other files where necessary)
Add, Commit, and Push your code to the repo
Failure on the build
Update the buildspec.yml to include all the files that need to be packaged up in the zip for deployment onto the remote server
Update the appspec.yml to include all the files in the project that you need to build and deploy - this files tells the pipeline where to place files once they have been unpacked