Linux info

Linux info


Helpful tips and tricks for configuring your Linux environment from scratch



Use su -l root to login as root (can use sudo su)

Use sudo to execute commands as super used without logging in as super user - SUDO = Super User DO

Use yum to manage packages, for ubuntu use apt and replace the word below with apt in most places

Use yum repolist all to see what repos you have

Use yum-config-manager --enable <repo> to enable a repo

Use yum-config-manager --disdable <repo> to disable a repo

Use ls | grep <filter> to list directory content but to filter out what isn't needed

Use cat /etc/os-release to determine version of Linux

Use cd /mnt/<drive> to access Windows drive

Use rm -R -f * to delete everything and all subdirectories

Use cp -r -a <source path>/* <target path> to copy everything from <source path> to <target path>

To ensure you can get access to things like the JDK, MySQL, and Netbeans through yum, install the package epel-release

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