Working with SSH and Git

Working with SSH and Git

I avoided working P/P-E (Public/Private-Encryption) for some time only because it just always seemed to be more difficult on a Windows environment and less difficult on Linux, but most of my work is on a Windows platform.  Go figure hey...

Anyway, having moved more and more to AWS (Amazon Web Services) I found myself working .pem files.  No problem when using SSH and SCP, but became an issue once I started working with Bitbucket, the git command line tools, and Jenkins to perform the builds (Jenkins needs access to your repo, this can be done by user name and password, or using secure keys.  problem with user name and password is it's your user name/password details to your git account - not a secure way of distributing your content.  The more secure way is to attach P/P keys to each repo and distribute the public key to access that repo).

This is my step by step guide to setting up a SSH key pair and using it to access a git repo (I am using bitbucket).