Building glassfish container
Below I outline the steps I took to build a glassfish container (I basically followed the steps outlined at but had to add a few extra steps in)
Before you run the ubuntu image and the steps below, you should specify the ports that must be visible in the host environment using docker run -p, otherwise once the image is up and running you will have to rerun the image and this will contain the installed software and settings from the steps below. One option is to follow the steps below, then take a snapshot of the image and store it on the docker hub
sudo apt-get update
udo apt-get install python-software-properties
In order to use add-apt-repository, you need to install python-software-properties
udo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
This failed, I had to add the following "apt-get software-properties-common" so that the above command is available
sudo apt-get update
This will ensure the new repo is available to apt-get
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
This will install the java jdk
java -version
Do this to confirm the java version
This will download glassfish, after which we will need to extract it
If unzip is not available, use "apt-get install unzip" to install it on the machine
unzip -d /opt
Will extract glassfish to /opt
asadmin start-domain
This should start glassfish and you should see something like
Waiting for domain1 to start ................... Successfully started the domain : domain1 domain Location: /opt/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1 Log File: /opt/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log Admin Port: 4848 Command start-domain executed successfully.
asadmin enable-secure-admin
You should see something like
Enter admin user name> admin Enter admin password for user "admin"> You must restart all running servers for the change in secure admin to take effect. Command enable-secure-admin executed successfully.
asadmin restart-domain
This will restart the domain so the security constraints take affect
Successfully restarted the domain Command restart-domain executed successfully.
You should be able to visit the server via your browser on port 4848
By default glassfish admin password is empty.
By default admin is NOT secure and therefore cannot be accessed remotely via a browser, follow the steps below
- change-admin-password
- once completed
- enable-secure-admin
- restart-domain
Once glassfish is installed, some things to do (if you want another domain)
- domain1 user/password combination fails so simply create a new domain on the same admin port as domain1, before executing the command below stop domain1
create-domain --adminport 4848 domain2
- Then start domain2
start-domain domain2
- Now enable secure admin for remote access but before you do this each domain must have a password
change-admin-password –user admin –domain_name domain2
- Now enable remote access to the admin port
enable-secure-admin - -host localhost - -port 4848
- Now stop and restart the domain
stop-domain domain2
start-domain domain2
- When you access the server from a remote browser you might confronted with information that you are accessing a server without a valid or untrusted certificate
Running the glassfish image
Because I have created a new domain domain2 in the docker container, it has different admin ports and http ports to domain1. Also, I have created a cluster with 4 server instances, each of these exposing different admin and http ports. You cannot access these ports unless you use the -p option in the docker run command, so I have created this batch file to run the glassfish docker image once it has been fully commissioned and the cluster has been created.