Installing Docker
Installing Docker
On Windows 10
- Download DockerToolbox
- Install DockerToolbox and make sure you select "Install Virtualbox with NDISS driver (default NDIS6)
- Launch docker quickstart terminal or run a command window as administrator
- This should kick of a series of activities to create a "default" docker machine, SSH keys etc
- Run docker-machine status
- if it responds by saying there is no machine, do step 5
- Run docker-machine create
- Once the machine has been created run docker-machine env > docker-env-settings.bat
- You now have the environment variables for your machine, you can either run these each time you open a command window or set them permanently, I would strongly advise on setting these as permanent environment variables before opening a DOS shell (as administrator)
- Depending on whether you like using the linux style shell or a DOS shell, follow the steps below
- For the linux shell, go to step 8
- For the DOS shell, stop the docker machine - docker-machine stop
- Close the linux window
- Open a DOS shell as administrator
- Run docker-machine start
- Once all activities have completed, you can use the docker command
- run docker login (if you have docker account and want to pull down docker images)
- you will need your hub.docker.com user name and password
- You can now pull down docker images
At a later date you may need to rerun docker-machine env if the IP etc change
On Centos 6.x Linux
Docker is part of Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL), which is a community repository of non-standard packages for the RHEL distribution. First, we’ll install the EPEL repository:
Then, as a matter of best practice, we’ll update our packages:
2. yum update -y
Now let’s install Docker by installing the docker-io package:
3. yum -y install docker-io
Once the installation completes, we’ll need to start the Docker daemon:
4. service docker start
And finally, and optionally, let’s configure Docker to start when the server boots:
5. chkconfig docker on