Lambda fun

Lambda fun

C++ lambdas give you the ability to create a local member function that can access the values in the enclosing unit.

A simple example

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 5; auto isEmpty = [x](auto val)->auto { std::cout << x << ", " << val << std::endl; return val; }; cout << isEmpty(true) << endl; }

A lambda can be declared globally

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point(int px, int py) :x(px), y(py) {} const int& getX() const { return x; } const int& getY() const { return y; } private: int x; int y; }; auto isEqual = [](auto &pp)->bool {return pp.getX() == pp.getY(); }; int main() { int x = 5; auto isEmpty = [x](auto val)->auto { std::cout << x << ", " << val << std::endl; return val; }; cout << isEmpty(true) << endl; }

A lambda cannot be declared as a member variable

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point(int px, int py) :x(px), y(py) {} const int& getX() const { return x; } const int& getY() const { return y; } private: int x; int y; auto isEqual = [](auto &pp)->bool {return pp.getX() == pp.getY(); }; // This line will NOT compile }; int main() { int x = 5; auto isEmpty = [x](auto val)->auto { std::cout << x << ", " << val << std::endl; return val; }; cout << isEmpty(true) << endl; Point np{ 4, 7 }; }

Lambdas can be returned from methods

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point(int px, int py) :x(px), y(py) {} const int& getX() const { return x; } const int& getY() const { return y; } auto buildFunctor() { return [this]()->bool {return this->getX() == this->getY(); }; } private: int x; int y; }; auto isEqual = [](auto &pp)->bool {return pp.getX() == pp.getY(); }; int main() { int x = 5; auto isEmpty = [x](auto val)->auto { std::cout << x << ", " << val << std::endl; return val; }; cout << isEmpty(true) << endl; Point np{ 4, 7 }; auto result = isEqual(np); cout << result << endl; auto lf = np.buildFunctor(); cout << lf() << endl; }

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