Kubernetes Addons

Kubernetes Addons

Kubernetes has an addon/plugin feature.  You can view the list of available addons using the command 

shell command
minikube addons list

For example the above command shows the following on my computer

To enable an addon use the command

shell command
minikube addons enable <addon name>

For example try the following command

shell command
minikube addons enable heapster

Yields the following results

You can now use the addon commands, for example

shell command
kubectl get pod,svc -n kube-system


Let's break it down

  1. kubectl get pod or kubectl get pods will list all pods with their status by name 
  2. kubectl get pob, svc will list the service details of all pods, this includes service type, cluster IP, and port
  3. kubectl get pod, svc -n kube-system will list the details of pods within a particular namespace.  To see what namespaces are available you can use the dashboard (look under Clusters and select Namespaces), use the command kubectl get namespaces