Bootstrapping a Node
All Nodes must belong to an organization, you bootstrap nodes to that organization.
Use knife node <sub-command> to manage nodes
So what is bootstrapping? When we attach a node to our Chef server, often, we'll need to actually install the Chef client so that we can run or execute our cookbooks. The node may not have any idea of how to contact your Chef server either. So the process of bootstrapping is installing the Chef client and telling that node where your Chef server is located. The bootstrapping command is available with knife bootstrap.
Common syntax for the bootstrap command is
shell command
knife bootstrap <FQDN/IP> -x <user name> -P <password> --sudo -N <node name> -r "recipe[cookbook]"
knife bootstrap <FQDN/IP> -i <identity file like a .pem file> --sudo -N <node name> -r "recipe[cookbook]"
NOTE: before you run this command, make sure you are in the parent folder of the cookbook folder
For the command knife bootstrap <ip address> -V -i <pem file> --sudo -N <node-name> -r "recipe[cookbook]"
When it comes to provisioning a Node, create and run an EC2 instance, then you need to allow root login as the ec2-user, to do this take these steps
sudo -s (to become root) vi /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Delete the lines at the begining of the file until you get to the words
.vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Set the variable
toPermitRootLogin without-password
- service sshd restart
- Now run knife bootstrap
For the command knife bootstrap <ip address> -V -x <user> -P <password> --sudo -N <node-name> -r "recipe[cookbook]"
- Copy the to the node and run it as sudo (update lines 4 - 8 with the user and password details as required)
- Now run knife bootstrap
#!/bin/bash # Add user 'chef', password 'chef' useradd chef echo chef | passwd chef --stdin # Config sudo access. echo "chef ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers sed -i 's/Defaults.*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/g' /etc/sudoers # Allow password access via ssh sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config service sshd restart # Flush & Disable iptables # Could not see iptables enabled by default on Centos 7. Need to confirm iptables -F service iptables stop chkconfig iptables off # Disable SELinux setenforce 0 sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config # Set the MOTD curl > /etc/motd # And we are done echo '######## All Done! ######'