Useful PowerShell Cmdlets
Visit PowerShell Environment Variables: A Deep Dive
Can’t log into your Home/Office/Account
See: Your organisation has deleted this device - Microsoft Q&A
Run this command in admin mode
Open cmd/powershell in admin mode
dsregcmd /forcerecovery
Get-Help [cmdlet][-Examples]
- return information on how to use the help system.
Get-help sort
- will return information on the sort cmdlet
Get-help sort -Examples
- will return examples on how to use the sort cmdlet
Filtering Results
Sort the outputs of another command.
Return really useful information about an object of any kind.
Find what commands are available
Returns all the commands available on your system
Piping one cmdlet into another
get-command -module packagemanagement | sort noun, verb
This will take the output of get-command which is currently only going to list commands that are related to the package management and pipe it into sort which then sorts it by noun and verb.
The above command could be partially done with - get-command | findstr packagemanagement | sort noun
, verb
get-command > allcommands.txt
Get all available cmdlets and store them in a file called allcommands.txt
more .\allcommands.txt
Display all of the contents of the file allcommands.txt to the screen
Get-Content .\allcommands.txt | Measure-Object -Line
Read the contents of the file allcommands.txt, redirect the output to Measure-Object which then counts the number of lines in it
find-package -Source chocolatey
Find all packages provided by chocolatey
find-package | findstr chocolatey | sort > chocolatey-packages.txt
Find all packages provided by chocolatey and save the results in a file called chocolatey-packages.txt
Find a file
Search the file system for a particular file with a particular file name pattern
Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -file -filter *.pem -Recurse
From the current location recursively search for any files ending with .pem
List contents of an environment variable and split them out based on a delimiter
$env:path -split ';'
Run an Application in the background
Start-Process -NoNewWindow ping
Or you can create a reusable shortcut function, and store it in a script file that is then on the PATH
function bg() {Start-Process -NoNewWindow @args}
Find a process listening on a port
netstat -aon | findstr ":80" | findstr "LISTENING"
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort Your_Port_Number).OwningProcess
Kill a process by its PID
Run process in the background
First, create a function that can be used to execute processes in the background
Now it can be used as follows
ipconfig will now run in the background