1 - Running a basic DOS PRC Application

1 - Running a basic DOS PRC Application

Time Server Informaton

The Simple CORBA Time Server below that you are going to install can be registered on any machine that has a naming server running and with any unique that you want to give it, the default name for the service is TimeServer. You must specify the host machine name or IP address for the naming service even if it is localhost. You do not need to specify a service name using -serverid:, the default is Timeserver, but we recommend that you do specify one after you run it using the default name (this is to ensure that all components are working as expected using their default value). Moving away from the defaults will help you get a better understanding the problem architecture. You should also note that by default the server is not visible outside of your local network, to expose it you must specify the public address used in the NAT using -proxyid:.

Physical paths

The notes below refer to d:\ in a number places. Note that this may change, so listen carefully for instructions in regards to where files should be installed to. It is common for this to be changed to c:\

Downloading individual files

All the files used in these labs can be found by navigating to the tree panel on the left, selecting "Distributed Object Systems Architecture", then expanding the list items till you see "File List." Selecting File List, then in the main panel select Code Base. Alternatetively click here

Running a simple DOS Application Pair (steps 1 - 4 may not be needed, check the file system)

  1. Download the following apps from the dropbox via the celestial delicious account (simply click on the hyperlinks as needed to do this)
    1. Simple CORBA Time Server
    2. Simple CORBA Time Client
    3. Download jacorb 3.6.1 (only do this if it hasn't already been installed on your machine to d:\java)
  2. Unzip Simple CORBA Time Server to the following directory d:\work\netbeans (be sure to preserve paths in zip file)
  3. Unzip Simple CORBA Time Client to the following directory d:\work\netbeans (be sure to preserve paths in zip file)
  4. Unzip jacorb 3.6.1 to d:\java if it isn't already present
    1. It might be better to add the jacorb bin folder to your PATH variable so that jacorb executables can be accessed from anywhere on your machine
  5. Using a command prompt, navigate to d:\java\jacorb-3.6.1\bin, run the command ns -DOAPort=2089 (this will start a naming server on your machine)
  6. Using explorer or a command prompt (strongly recommended), navigate to d:\work\netbeans\SimpleCORBATimeServer and run the file run_SimpleCORBATimeServer.bat using the command
    1. run_SimpleCORBATimeServer <naming server host machine> [<-proxyid:public IP address>] [<-serverid:id for your server>]
    2. Select here to see examples of how to start the server
  7. Using a command prompt, navigate to c:\work\netbeans\SimpleCORBATimeClient and run the file run_SimpleCORBATimeClient.bat using the command
    1. run_SimpleCORBATimeClient <naming server host machine> [<-serverid:unique ID for the service from 6.a>]
    2. e.g. run_SimpleCORBATimeClient -serverid:selvyns_time_service
      1. the easiest option is to simply run_SimpleCORBATimeClient, this will run the client using the default values
    3. if you get an error, it may be because your naming service ID does not match the one registered in 6.a or there is a mismatch in the service ID.  It may also be because you have specified a naming server host name that is incorrect.

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