Examples of how to execute the SimpleCORBATimer

Examples of how to execute the SimpleCORBATimer

General form

run_SimpleCORBATimeServer <naming server host machine> [<-proxyid:public IP address>] [<-serverid:id for your server>]

Two points to observe

  1. if you do not specify the -serverid: param, the default name used in the naming service is "TimeServer"
  2. if you do not specify the -proxyid: param, the server is not visible to the outside world, ie. outside of your local network

Example commands


Try this option first, it will ensure that everything is running locally using all the defaults.

This command will create a single clock server and attach the clock server to a naming service running on the local machine, it will be registered with the default id "TimeServer", but your service is not visible to outside world.

run_SimpleCORBATimeServer -instances:3

This command will create three clocks each with a uniqie ID, attaching each one to the naming service running on the local machine.  Each clocks ID will be TimeServer, TimeSever-1, TimeServer-2 and TimeServer-3 etc.  Your service is not visible to outside world.

run_SimpleCORBATimeServer -serverid:selvyns_time_service

This command will create a single clock server and attach the clock server to a naming service running on the local machine, it will be registered with the id "selvyns_time_service", but your service is not visible to outside world.

run_SimpleCORBATimeServer -serverid:selvyns_time_service -proxyid:

This command will create a single clock server and attach your clock server to a naming service on IP and register it with the unique id "selvyns_time_service", it will be visible to the  visible to outside world.  It is very important that you specify the -proxyid:<your public ip> parameter, without this, your service will not be exposed to the outside world.

run_SimpleCORBATimeServer localhost -proxyid:

This command will create a single clock server and attach your clock server to a naming service running on the local machine IP and make it visible to the outside world by allowing IP requests at its public IP to be forwarded to it.

run_SimpleCORBATimeServer localhost -proxyid: -serverid:a_time_service

This command will create a single clock server and attach your clock server to a naming service the local machine on IP and make it visible to the outside world by allowing IP requests at its public IP to be forwarded to it, it will be registered in the naming server as "a_time_service".