Web Architectures

Web Architectures

Static Web Pages

The browser simply renders the html it receives

Web server reads html page from disk on server and sends it directly to the requesting clients browser

—Structure, style and content are fixed

Dynamic Web Content

The browser simply renders the html it receives

Web server reads a html type page from disk on server

—Injects the content for the page into the page
—The injected content can come from any source (database, another organisation etc)
—The structure is fixed but the styling can be modified by supplying different stylesheets
—Web Server sends the modified page directly to the requesting clients browser browser which displays without modification

Dynamic Server Side Presentation Layer

The browser simply renders the html it receives

Web server reads a html type page from disk on server

—The content for the page is fixed
—Use of configuration files and data in a DB to alter the structure of the document
—The structure is modified as needed and the styling can be modified by supplying different stylesheets
—Web Server sends the modified page directly to the requesting clients browser which displays without modification

Dynamic Client Side Presentation

The browser renders the html it receives and executes the javascript

Web server reads html page from disk on server and sends it directly to the requesting clients browser

—The web pages contain javascript or reference remote javascript
—The javascript is used to modify the structure, style and content of the html document in the browser