Goals, Drivers, Objects, Strategy etc.
Goals, Drivers, Objects, Strategy etc.
There are direct correlations between drivers, goals and objects etc. Understanding the bearing one entity has on another can lead to clearer and more well defined drivers, goals and objectives etc.
Some simple definitions
- Driver: the reason why you do something, the motivation, the kick, the stick!
- Goal: the end point, it's ethereal, blue sky thinking, unachievable but helps sets the direction, so not really measurable
- Objective: something you do to get to your goal, it's measurable
Example: (goal) we want to be the one of the four leading suppliers of books in the market, (objectives) re-brand, by other brands (good brands), improve the delivery infrastructure and end to end processes, speedier delivery of goods, improve and increase our connectivity to our suppliers etc, (drivers) we make a lot of money but the market is changing, there is an increased threat from competitors who are using technology to steal some of our market.
There are occasions where the these terms can become confused. Consider the following scenario
- Your in a restaurant having lunch with a friend who makes the following statement to you "I think it's time I got my own place, I need my own space, I'm going to by a house so that I can do my own thing". You challenge them regarding this and they add "well I need to take more control of my life". So there are a several things that we can determine here, they believe that by buying a house (objective) they will achieve their goal of getting control of their lives and having some space. The motivator (driver) seems to be time!
- You press them on the issue and state that they don't have enough funds to buy a house, and whether time is time is the real motivator. The lack of funds is a big issue. Even if they got a loan, they still couldn't afford the house or an apartment. You suggest it would be better for them to rent rather buy (objective has changed), and the real motivator is because they don't feel like they have control over their life. The goal remains the same.
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