02 - Middleware
Middleware is the software we use to glue systems together, to make them interoperable
We will not delve into the internal details but focus on the approach of each style
There are two main types of middleware on the market
01 Communications Mode
Components can communicate in one of two ways
02 Communications Styles
Point Casting
03 ReST
Representational State Transfer – an architectural style invented by Dr. Roy Thomas Fielding
03-01 ReST in Application
For any form of RPC to work, the service layer must expose endpoints, these are well-defined and must also detail the payload
Serverside configuration (VATServceController.java)
Clientside configuration (endpoints.js)
The client needs to know what the exposed endpoints are on the server side
What problems do you see with this approach?
04 MOM
05 Middleware Architectural Styles
As you can see when we wire the services together using an RPC approach, the coupling would increase at an exponential rate. With the MOM approach, the coupling is decreased and the architecture is cleaner. But what’s the cost? We will need to move to an event model. Domains will need to communicate with each other using messages. These messages can carry whatever we want.
06 How do MOMs Work
Consider the following scenario
You have several machines on a network, each running a HTTP server
The implication being that any process on one of those machines can send a HTTP request to any other machine in that network
What you have created is a software bus where the wire-level protocol is <<HTTP>>
You can now add and remove nodes from the bus at your leisure…
07 Software Buses and Brokers
What if you wanted to route <<http>> messages to a specific process on any particular node?
You would modify the HTTP server so it can identify within the <<http>> message the particular process and then route it onto that process using some kind of IPC
The HTTP server has now become a Broker
08 Location Transprency
All services, whether they are RPC or MOM based need to be discoverable. If we address a service or a MOM administrator directly, we introduce brittleness to the system architecture. Also, any changes to the service or MOM administrator IP address will mean all users of that service must be updated. This means the architecture is not scalable.
To avoid these pitfalls we need to introduce into the architecture some kind of Name Resolution Service. There are two types of Name Resolution Services
White Pages Lookup
DNS, or Naming Server
Yellow Pages Lookup
X.500, or LDAP
09 Typical MOM Architecture
10 What does the Code look like?
10-01 Bootstrapping
The defaults for the admin, consumers, and producers would look like this
As you can see the host details are hard-wired into the application, you would not normally do this because the MOM is not location transparent and this leads to brittle code and none scalable code
10-02 Consumer Perspective
Typically the consumer will look like this
You first need to subscribe to a channel
Test for any changes in the channel
Iterate over the changes in the channel
10-03 Producer Perspective
Typically the producer will look like this
You need to create object that has the channel details, and the payload
Send the event to the channel
11 Understanding How MOMs Work
Ensure that Docker is running (can be found on the Windows Start)
Navigate to c:\work
Clone down the project https://bitbucket.org/stream2stream/kafka_prods_cons/src/main/
Navigate into the folder kafka_prods_cons
Build the application with the command
mvn package
Consult the Kafka Setup and Cheat Sheet, and get kafka up and running
Here are some scenarios for you to run
11-01 Single Consumer and Single Producer
Run a single consumer listening for message on a channel called ddat-topic_1
Run a single producer that sends a message (can be any string even a JSON string) to the ddat-topic_1 channel
Observe the messages received by the consumer, these are in the kafka log
Send more messages using the producer, observe the results
Stop the consumer and send messages, then restart the consumer, the sent messages should come through including all previous messages
Try running multiple consumers, and send a new message from the producer, observe what happens with the consumers and the kafka UI
11-02 Consumer, Bridge, and Producer
Run a single consumer listening for message on a channel called ddat-topic_2
Run a single consumer listening for message on a channel called bridge
Create a bridge using the -f switch that reads messages from the ddat-topic_2 channel, (-t switch) and forwards them to a channel called bridge (-f switch)
Create a producer that sends messages to the ddat-topic_2 channel
Observe the results on all the consumers and the kafka UI log
12 So what did you see?
On examination, you should realise that this was the architecture used in kafka demo application that you previously ran.
13 Interaction Patterns
14 Message Flows