04 Event Drive Architectures
The tools that provide teams within an organisation to identify system events and respond/react to them in as close as real-time manner (or near-real time).
An event is any change or action that occurs within the system
EDAs don’t ignore the fact that data needs to be stored, categorized, and analysed, but they emphasize the timely reaction to events, recognizing that the value of an event might diminish as time progresses. EDAs still value data but in a different way.
The model will shift from one where data is collected and stored, and interested parties decide to read what’s available
To a model where data is captured in the events that arise from actions on, or changes in the state of, the systems
We’ve already identified that tools like MOMs are ideal for this paradigm.
01 An EDA Example
Consider the situation where your bank wants to notify you in realtime that it suspects that there is fraud being committed against your account. The behaviour pattern we are looking to detect is a series of transfers from your account to other accounts outside of the bank. The transfers are small in their amounts of money initially as the criminals probe the account to see if there is any detection, if there is none, then the transfers continue and the amounts transferred increase. The transfers are done quickly, within minutes of one another, decreasing in time to seconds.
Because events can occur at any time, it’s important to ensure we respond to the events in a timely way and when it is right to do so. State machines can help us better under the problem and the timing.
It’s not going to work because the processing of the transfer will occur even if the fraud has been detected.
So we could migrate the model to
And our service architecture could look like this
02 Events
As would be expected events are central to this model, but what is an event in the model?
Each event typically comprises
a key that identifies the event or the entity it pertains to
a payload that holds the actual data the event carries
a timestamp indicating when the event occurred or was recorded
optionally some metadata about the event source
optionally a schema and its associated data
Events are source and destination agnostic. Any such information must be part of the payload.
Typically the sink that consumes an event is called a channel or a pipe.
As events traverse through a network of services, they may be transformed and used in several ways
Enrichment to make it more useful for downstream services
De-enrichment so clutter is removed from the payload to make it more useful to downstream services
Ingested so it is stored in a database
Aggregated to perform calculations
Analysed to look for patterns
03 Synchronicity and queuing
Messaging can be either synchronous or asynchronous
A synchronous send operation doesn't complete until the target of the message has both received it and finished processing it...
on completion, a reply will often be received
generally doesn't involve any middleware
also called "connection-oriented messaging"
Asynchronous messaging has been much more common
Messages are sent to a "queue" or "topic", from which messages are either pushed or pulled to receivers (consumers)
Requires message server middleware
04 Message format and QOS
Messaging systems have generally enabled both text and binary data to be carried
so XML and now JSON messaging have been relatively easy to introduce
Web Services founded on XML as the message format
Messaging servers offer various Quality of Service (QOS) benefits
reliable delivery (e.g. once and once only)
no need for the receiver to be available all the time
failure handling (automatic failure notification messages)
support for security and transactions
05 Event Type
Try NOT to use a single message structure for all message types
Group messages according to some classification model such as
Command messages, to invoke a procedure
Error messages, to indicate something has gone wrong
Reply messages, to indicate a response to the previous request
Data messages, to pass data
Event messages, to indicate a change of state
Separation simplifies the implementation of the consumers and producers
06 EDA Patterns
The natural tendency is to arrange services into some kind of sequential flow, but as we show a lot more can be achieved by studying the event flow and seeing where optimisations can be made
06-01 Channel Adapter
A component that sits between a channel and a consumer or producer of a channel
Decouples the consumer and provider from the channel allowing them to receive or produce data in a manner that is consistent with their original programming
06-02 Pipes and Filters (sequential flow)
An old concept from the Mainframe and Unix world
A series of independent processing components chained to one another in series or parallel through pipes (channels)
In the following example, each filter can be executed in isolation
Filtering the data and enriching the data can be done in any order, but encryption must be done at the end
06-03 Modelling MOM Patterns (sequential flow)
UML Activity diagrams are useful for capturing the sequence and timing of MOM patterns
Each stream represents a unique thread of control
06-04 Processing Pipeline (service model 1)
If we execute each “filter data” on a separate service then we can increase the throughput of the model (consider 3 services)
The processing time is reduced from 420secs to 360secs (processing is reduced by a ~1/6)
(3 x 30) + (3 x 110) = 360secs. Why?
Answer in the next section
06-05 Processing Pipeline (service model 1) answer
Using three services to filter the data
So its actually 30 + (3 x 110) = 360.
06-06 Processing Pipeline (service model 2)
If we were able to execute each “filter data” on a separate service then we could increase the throughput of the model (consider 3 services)
The processing time is reduced from 420secs to 330secs (In this model, the time taken is reduced by ~1/3)
(3 x 110) = 330secs. Why?
Answer in the next section
06-07 Processing Pipeline (service model 2) Answer