The ternary operator ?:

The ternary operator ?:

A Boolean operator capable of being executed inline.

The result type of the ternary operator is defined by the output expressions after the ? and : tokens.

LH = <boolean expression> ? <output 1> : <output 2>

The type of LH must be compatible with both <output 1> and <output 2>





int index = 2; int result = 10 > index ? 5 : 7; Console.WriteLine($"result is {result}");

result is 5

Notice result type is int

int index = 2; int result = index > 10 ? 5 : 7; Console.WriteLine($"result is {result}");

result is 7

Notice result type is int

int index = 2; int result = 10 > index ? 5 : '7'; Console.WriteLine($"result is {result}");

result is 5

Notice result type is int

result is 55 - 55 is the ASCII decimal encoding for character '7'

Notice result type is int

result is '7' - the character 7

Notice the casting the integer 5 to a char. This is necessary to avoid compilation errors in regards to type compatibility.

result is 55 - 55 is the ASCII decimal encoding for character '7'

Notice the expression is wrapped in parenthesis

FAQ: How do I choose between using an if-else statement and using an inline ternary operator?

Consider which one appears to be the most readable, and most clearly expresses the intent of the code

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