Calling built-in functions

Calling built-in functions

C# has a rich array of built-in functions that simplify your programming tasks. These functions cover tasks such String and number manipulation, file IO, networking, collection manipulation etc.

Knowing which method to call can be difficult, and calling the wrong one can result in strange and erroneous results. Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code both use intellisense to help you type the correct method. Quite often isn’t knowing which method to call but which variation of an overloaded method to call. Again this is where VS and VSC come to the rescue. Depending on the types of the values being passed into a method, both IDEs will match the value types against the available methods. If no matching method is available, then the IDEs will draw blank on suggestions.


Type Console.WriteLine(), then presss ctrl + shift + space, this will trigger the intellisense

Press the up or down symbols to see the available methods

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