Part V - Workflows

Part V - Workflows

Working with Workflows

The easiest way to work with workflows, is to copy an already active one, modify it, and then assign it to a board

The three steps can be summaries here

  1. Using (Global)Issues/Workflows, find the project and copy the workflow. Once copied it will sit under Inactive workflows

  2. In the project, go to project settings/workflow, Add Workflow, Remove the old workflow

  3. Publish the change

Steps with a little more detail

  1. Go to Jira global settings and select Issues

  2. Now select Workflows

  3. Locate your project and select the settings option (far right three dots)

  4. Select Copy, to copy the workflow. Give your new workflow a new unique name that will identify you and the board

  5. Modify your workflow according to how you see it working. In this example, we will remove the All transitions of all states except the one going into the BACKLOG. Jira automatically saves every change

  6. Select a transition and a properties box will appear, select “Delete transition”


  8. So the new workflow will look something like this, you need to add the transitions between the statuses (hover your mouse over a status, then click from a dot on one status to a dot on another status)

  9. When you have finished, select the Workflows option on the left hand side. and then click on “Inactive Workflows”, your new workflow should be listed

  10. If you want to check if the workflow is correct and was saved, select the options menu (3 dots to the right of the workflow) and Edit

  11. Select your project from the Projects menu

  12. Select the board you want to apply the workflow to

  13. Select Project settings / Workflows / Add workflow / Add Existing

  14. Locate your workflow

  15. Select the issue types this workflow will affect, then select Finish

  16. Finally, back on the Workflows page select Publish

  17. Confirm that you want to associate this workflow with the board

  18. Wait for the global change to complete then select Acknowledge

  19. Go back to your board and refresh the screen. Try moving issues around. They should now be following the rules you created in the workflow

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