02 - HTML - Exercise 1
Task 1 - About Me
Create a folder on your machine and call it
(no spaces).Open the newly created folder in you VS Code.
Create a new file using VS Code, you can name it
. Don't forget the extension html.Using VS Code generate the html skeleton page.
Change the
to 'About me'.Create a page about yourself - use heading tag, paragraph, and semantic tags to structure your page.
Within the
folder create a subfolder calledimages
. Place some pictures into this folder, either your own pictures or some images downloaded from the internet.Use the saved images in your page.
Reminder 1: Save your html file before checking the result!
Reminder 2: Open your file in the browser and check frequently that the changes you’re making in the code are correctly reflected in the browser.
Reminder 3: There are no styles applied to your html page so it may not look its best yet.
Task 2 - Favourites
Similarly to the point 3 above, create a new html file called
. Let VS Code generate the skeleton html code. Don’t forget to change the title.Create a table in this page and write down at least three of your favourite things. Don’t forget to include a picture and a link for a reference!
Add a footer to this page with copyright information.
Task 3 - To-do List
Create yet another html file called
.This page should contain a to-do list, it can either be a list of things to do, or a list of books to read, or a list of movies to watch, destinations to visit …
Task 4 - Navigation
Back in
create an unordered list of clickable links.The first link should lead to your
page.The second link should point to your
page.Similarly, in your Favourites.html page create links to your
.Do the same in