5. Bringing it all Together
We are now going to apply everything you have learned so far and deploy two services that can communicate with each other.
Think about your Deployment
We are going to have two echoserver PODs. We will identify them as service_id: local-echo-server-from-yml
and service_id: remote-echo-server-from-yml
. The names will help us clearly identify each one.
Think about how you are going to expose your Deployments as Services
We want both PODs to communicate with each other but with constraints.
We want the local instance exposed to the outside world, and it needs to be able to communicate with the remote instance.
We want the remote instance to be exposed to the cluster but not to the outside world.
To achieve all of this we will architect the deployment as shown here
Remember exposing a service as NodePort makes it visible to all other PODs in the cluster but not to the outside world
Understanding the mappings
Go to the minikube dashboard
Write down the Cluster IP addresses as shown above (yours will be different).
Select the yml-local-echoserver-ep
In the details page, select the POD
In the PODs page, select the exec option (upper right) to open a shell into the POD
From here type curl <NodePort IP>:8080
so from the example above it will be
You should see
Because you are communicating within the cluster, you must use the port/targetPort port numbers not the NodePort number.
If you were communicating from outside of the clsuter, you would use the cluster IP address and the NodePort number, in this example it’s 30080. Try it, from the host terminal type minikube ip
to get the minikube cluster address. On my machine this is So in the shell I would type curl
. It would give me the same result as typing curl
. Try it again from another container not related to the echoserver.
You have successfully communicated with another POD that has made itself visible to all other PODs because it is using a NodePort Service.
Go back to the Service page and select the yml-remote-echoserver-ep
In the details page select the POD
In the PODs page, select the exec option (upper right) to open a shell into the POD
From here type curl <LoadBalancer IP>:38090
so from the example above it will be
You should see
So what’s actually happening here?
Scenario 1
A NodePort service exposes a POD to other PODs within the Node Cluster (the Node cluster here being minikube). Other PODs can communicate with it via one of two addresses; the Node’s cluster address and NodePort ports.nodePort
or the POD’s Cluster address and NodePort ports.port
, in the above these are
respectively. It works as follows -
To test this
Open a shell into the
pod (hello-minikube has nothing to do with this current deployment)curl
- you should see the webpage being printed on the screenFrom your host machine scale down the remote echoserver
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.2 --replicas=0
Go back to the
pod's shellcurl
- you should get a connection refusedFrom your host machine return to remote echoserver back to original scaled value
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.2 --replicas=1
To test this
Open a shell into the
pod (hello-minikube has nothing to do with this current deployment)curl
- you should see the webpage being printed on the screenFrom your host machine scale down the remote echoserver
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.2 --replicas=0
Go back to the
pod's shellcurl
- you should get a connection refusedFrom your host machine return to remote echoserver back to original scaled value
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.2 --replicas=1
Scenario 2
A LoadBalancer service exposes a POD to the outside world. K8 will ensure that the exposed address is mapped to the host machine's address, assigning to it the desired port on the host machine. Other PODs can communicate with it via one of two addresses; localhost
on the host machine and NodePort ports.nodePort
or the POD’s Cluster address and LoadBalancer ports.port
, in the above these are
respectively. It works as follows -
To test this
Open a shell into the
pod (hello-minikube has nothing to do with this current deployment)curl
- you should see the webpage being printed on the screenFrom your host machine scale down the remote echoserver
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.1 --replicas=0
Go back to the
pod's shellcurl
- you should get a connection refusedFrom your host machine return to remote echoserver back to original scaled value
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.1 --replicas=1
To test this
Open a shell on your host machine
- you should see the webpage being printed on the screenFrom your host machine scale down the remote echoserver
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.1 --replicas=0
from the shell on your host machine
- you should get a connection refusedFrom your host machine return to remote echoserver back to original scaled value
kubectl scale deployment/yml-echoserver-deployment-v2.1 --replicas=1
Your Task
Setup up pingme to communicate in pairs as you did with docker-compose. You are free to choose your approach to the content of your YAML file i.e. a single YAML file with everything in it, or several YAML files each dealing with one aspect of the overall application architecture. You must meet these objectives
the same application pingme is deployed twice, each deployment is a single pod
you must be able to identify within K8 (through the shell or minikube dashboard) the local and remote instance
you must be able to check the status of either instance using /api/status
you must be able to get the local time from both instances - /api/time
you must be able to get the remote time from the local instance using /api/timefromhelper, it should NOT return the time prefixed with **
you must be able to get the remote time from the remote instance using /api/timefromhelper, it should return the time prefixed with **