QLC-2.3) Limitations of Stubs test

QLC-2.3) Limitations of Stubs test

[Test] public void find_heighest_score_with_array_of_many_return_array_of_many_using_stub() { //[{“Physics”, { 56, 67, 45, 89} }, {“Art”, { 87, 66, 78} }, {“Comp Sci”, { 45, 88, 97, 56} }] // Arrange int[] physics_scores = { 56, 67, 45, 89 }; string physics = "Physics"; int[] art_scores = { 87, 66, 78 }; string art = "Art"; int[] compSci_scores = { 45, 88, 97, 56 }; string compSci = "Comp Sci"; TopicScores[] topicScores = { new TopicScores(physics, physics_scores), new TopicScores(art, art_scores), new TopicScores(compSci, compSci_scores)}; IHighestNumberFinder hnf = new TopicManagerService.HighestNumberFinder(); TopicManager cut = new TopicManager(hnf); TopicTopScore[] expectedResult = { new TopicTopScore("Physics", 89), new TopicTopScore("Art", 87), new TopicTopScore("Comp Sci", 97) }; // Act TopicTopScore[] result = cut.findTopicHighScores(topicScores); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(result[0].TopicName, expectedResult[0].TopicName); Assert.AreEqual(result[0].TopScore, expectedResult[0].TopScore); Assert.AreEqual(result[1].TopicName, expectedResult[1].TopicName); Assert.AreEqual(result[1].TopScore, expectedResult[1].TopScore); Assert.AreEqual(result[2].TopicName, expectedResult[2].TopicName); Assert.AreEqual(result[2].TopScore, expectedResult[2].TopScore); }