QL-2) TDD kata (optional, but great TDD practice).

QL-2) TDD kata (optional, but great TDD practice).

In this lab you will develop a piece of code that will return the next UK car “Age Identifier” for a given current UK car “Age Identifier”

You will need a git repo for this lab

  1. Go to this link https://www.regtransfers.co.uk/car-registration-plates

  2. Scroll down the page to an image labeled “Current 2001 - present”

  3. Identify the field “Age Identifier”, this is the number you must generate

  4. Go to this link for the numbering sequence https://www.theaa.com/car-buying/number-plates

  5. Using TDD write a method within a class that when an “Age Identifier” is passed to it, it will return the next “Age Identifier” e.g. “05” which is March 2005, must return “55” which is September 2005, “77” which is September 2027, must return “28” which March 2028 etc.

To help us identify how you developed your CUT, after each successful implementation of code (the CUT passes a test for which you are writing the code), push the passing code to a git repo

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