- Create a GitHub account
- Download GitHub console
- If you want the GUI, download it from here
You don't have to use fixed file locations on your harddrive, to initialise a file location that already has sources with git
- Open the git console and navigate to the location that you want manage with git
- Type git init - this will create the git database in that directory
- Type git add . - this will add all the files in the current directory and sub directories (recursively) the local git db, the files remain in staged state until committed
- Type git commit -m <some message in single quotes> - this move the files from the staged state to commited
The files that have just been committed have not been pushed to the GitHub remote server so we need to do this
- Create a new repository or use an old one
- Type git remote add origin https://github.com/stream2stream/<repository name>.git - this will link the local directory to the remote GitHub
- Type git push -u origin master - this will pushed the committed the files to the remote GitHub
Don't work of the master, work of branches, use git branch <branch name> to create a new branch. Then use git checkout <branch name> to switch to the branch. If you already have a branch in the git repo execute git pull to get all the latest version history from the repo, you can switch to the branch using git branch <branch name>.
Git add
Git add does more than add files to the local repository, to moves modified from modified state to the staged state, once in the staged state, they still need to be committed using git commit. If you are sure the commit is definite, the execute a git push to push the committed changes up to git.
Working with stuff that's NOT on a local computer
- Create a directory (anywhere of your choosing) on the local machine
- Use git clone <url to github repository>
- You don't have to use git fetch < branch>
- Read more at especially the paragraph headed Fetching and Pulling from Your Remotes
- Once the clone has completed you can edit the content as normal