Versions Compared


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The PDF recaps on the demos the trainer did two weeks ago.

The project is a simple TODO Application, (open the link in a new TAB) the specification can be found here

You are going to create two projects, a Kanban Team Managed project and Kanban Company Managed project. The purpose of the exercise is to simply recognise the difference between the project types.

In both of these projects, you create issues. This is not a mammoth task. You should very quickly recognise that creating issues in Jira is very straightforward once the project has been set up.

Create a Kanban Team Manage Project


In this lab you will create a Team Managed Kanban board and populate it with a few issues

  1. Navigate to and log in using your team IDs

  2. Image Removed
  3. Select Kanban

  4. Image Removed

    On the next page select team-managed project

  5. Image Removed

    In the Name field enter the project name according to the naming convention above - as you are typing you may see project names coming up, do not select them. You are using a single Jira instance, and it retains the names of previously created projects. Let Jira enter the value into the key field, do not edit this field. Also set the access level if it is being shown

  6. Image Removed

    Once the project is created you will see an empty board

  7. Turn on the features Backlog and Issues Navigator

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    You are now ready to add your issues

  9. Decide on 2 stories you want to work with, add them into your project using the “Create Issue” window. In the Labels field create a new label todoapp but prefix it with your teams ID e.g. 01-todoapp. Populate the other fields as necessary. The stories can be found here

  10. An issue can be created by selecting the Create button

  11. Image Removed

    Now populate the fields as necessary (no real

  12. Image Removed

    Move the issues from the backlog to the board

  13. Image Removed

    Move the issues around the board either by dragging them between the board columns

  14. Image Removed
  15. Move the issues around the board by changing the status of the issue (click on the issue the see the following window)

  16. Image Removed

Create a Kanban Company Managed Project


In this lab you will create a Company Managed Kanban board and populate it with a few issues

  1. Navigate to and log in using your team IDs

  2. Image Removed
  3. Select Scrum

  4. Image Removed
  5. Select Company managed

  6. Image Removed
  7. In the Name field enter the project name according to the naming convention above - as you are typing you may see project names coming up, do not select them. You are using a single Jira instance, and it retains the names of previously created projects. Let Jira enter the value into the key field, do not edit this field. Make sure the two checkboxes shown here are deselected. Once you’ve entered the project name the Create Project button will be highlighted, select it

  8. Image Removed
  9. Once the project is created you will see an empty board.

  10. If the backlog is not showing turn the feature on

  11. Image Removed
  12. You are now ready to add your stories

  13. Decide on 2 stories you want to work with, add them into your project using the “Create Issue” window. In the Labels field create a new label todoapp but prefix it with your teams ID e.g. 01-todoapp. Populate the other fields as necessary. The stories can be found here

  14. An issue can be created by selecting the Create button

  15. Image Removed
  16. Now populate the fields as necessary

  17. Image Removed
  18. Move the issues from the backlog to the board

    1. Image Removed
  19. Move the issues around the board either by dragging them between the board columns

  20. Image Removed
  21. Move the issues around the board either by changing the status of the issue (click on the issue the see the following window)

  22. Image Removed

Working with Issues


In this lab you will reuse the the Kanban Company Managed project, create an additional board, and populate the two boards with different types of issues

  1. Make sure you are in your TODO App (KB CM) - so this is the Kanban Company Managed Project

  2. Image Removed
  3. If the project is not current, select the project from the Projects dropdown menu

  4. On the left side below the project name you should see the word “Planning”, you will see a dropdown button, select it, it will show the current board in the project and other boards belonging to other projects. At the bottom is an option to create another board, select it

  5. Image Removed

    You will now have the option to create either a Scrum or Kanban board

  6. Image Removed

    Select Kanban, on the next screen select “Board from an existing project”, then select Next

  7. Image Removed

    Populate the board as shown here

  8. Image Removed

    Prefix the board name with what you intend to populate the board with (in this case - Tasks), then your team ID, and lastly the project name.

  9. Select the project that will own this board. This should be the project you are currently in. Finally, select “Create board”

  10. Select the view to show all the boards, you should now see your two boards

  11. Image Removed

    Select the original board that was created with the project. we are going to rename it so we know exactly what type of Issues will appear on it. Select the three dots on the upper right side of the board

  12. Image Removed

    Select board settings, then General

  13. Image Removed

    Select the Board name, edit it and prefix the name with (Stories)

  14. Select “Back to board” upper right of the screen. It may take up to a minute for the board info to update, but once it does select the view to show all the board and it should look something like this

  15. Image Removed

    Review the sections “WORKING WITH ISSUES” and “ORGANISING YOUR BOARDS” in the PDF

  16. Select one of your stories and break it down into smaller sub-tasks

  17. Select the story on the Kanban board

  18. Image Removed

    A new window appears detailing the story, select “Create subtask”

  19. Image Removed

    A new section appears allowing you to enter to Subtasks summary title, enter a title and select “Create”

  20. Image Removed

    Create two sub-tasks

  21. Image Removed

    Close the window and navaigate to the Sub-tasks board. You will see that all the Issues are visible

  22. Image Removed

    We need to edit the filter for the board so that it only shows the Sub-Tasks and not the stories

  23. Goto to the board’s settings (upper right of screen, the 3 dots), look for the “Filter Query” field - this will take you away form the project to an area dedicated to filters and issues

  24. Image Removed
  25. Edit the query by adding the following query element (add Tasks and All Sub-Task) - whilst you are editing the query switch between the JQLand Basic view

  26. Image Removed

    Once completed click the Save link at the top of the view

  27. Select Projects and your project to see the changes (you may need to select the board to see if filter has been applied correctly), it should llok like this

  28. Image Removed
  29. Select the Story board. If it shows more than stories, edit its filter

  30. Image Removed

    After editing it, it should look like this

  31. Image Removed
  32. Navigate back to the Sub-Tasks board

  33. Move each Sub-task to the done column

  34. When the last Sub-task has been moved, you should be prompted with a request to update the parent Story, select update

  35. Navigate back to the Storyboard. You should see that the Story that owns the two Sub-tasks has been moved to the done column on the storyboard

Working with Workflows

The easiest way to work with workflows, is to copy an already active one, modify it, and then assign it to a board

The three steps can be summaries here

  1. Using (Global)Issues/Workflows, find the project and copy the workflow. Once copied it will sit under Inatactive workflows

  2. In the project, go to project settings/workflow, Add Workflow, Remove the old workflow

  3. Publish the change

Steps with a little more detail


Go to Jira global settings and select Issues


Now select Workflows


Locate your project and select the settings option (far right three dots)


Select Copy, to copy the workflow. Give your new workflow a new unique to you and the board


Modify your workflow according to how you see it working. In this example, we will remove the All transitions of all states except the one going into the BACKLOG. Jira automatically saves every change


So the new workflow will look something like this


When you have finished, select the Workflows option on the right hand side. and then click on “Inactive Workflows”, your new workflow should be listed


If you want to check if the workflow is correct and was saved, select the options menu (3 dots to the right of the workflow) and Edit


Select your project from the Projects menu


Select the board you want to apply the workflow to


Select Project settings / Workflows / Add workflow / Add Existing


Locate your workflow


Select the issue types this workflow will affect, then select Finish


Finally, back on the Workflows page select Publish


Confirm that you want to associate this workflow with the board


Wait for the global change to complete then select Acknowledge


There are six labs. Follow the sequence to get the best out of the labs

Part I - Team Managed Kanban Project

Part II - Company Managed Kanban Project

Part III - Working with Issues

Part IV - Quick Filters

Part V - Workflows

Part VI - Roadmaps

Part VII - Releases and Versions