This page details an application that is comprised of multiple maven projects. It will detail the overall maven project structure, the way the code is structured and webservice ports I have exposed
A web services can transmit any type of text structure but JSON is the most common. The jackson api can be used to marshal data to and from the wire. Rather then manipulating strings to and from json format directly, I have created Java classes that have the attributes on them that I want to transmit across the wire. For example all responses from the server should be in json form so I have created the following class
package com.celestial.util.objects; /** * * @author Selvyn */ public class SimpleErrorMessage { private String message; public SimpleErrorMessage( String msg ) { message = msg; } public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage( String msg ) { message = msg; } }
When transmitted the result will be marshalled as
Top maven project is a maven module project bringing together the service layer and reusable java artifacts.