Split into two teams (team sizes can range from 1 - 3).
Team 1 must set the project up. It should be an empty maven project with NO code. Once team 2 have created the git repo, team 1 should get an invite from team 2 join the git repo.
Team 2 should create the git repo. Once created team 2 should invite team 1 to join the repo. Also, once created, team 1 must push the empty maven project to this git repo (they cannot do this until have joined the repo from the invite).
Finally team 2 should obtain a clone of the project team 1 created - this can be through a git clone or git pull.
Team 1
Create the following piece of code
Unit Test
Class Under Test
Once completed push your code to the repo
Team 2
Unit Test
Class Under Test
Once completed push your code to the repo
Depending on which team pushed their code to the repo first, the later team will get a merge conflict.
Use git pull --rebase origin master
Use git status to see where conflicts are
Once conflict has been resolved, push the changes to the repo (no need to perform git add, and git commit, simply use git push…)