UML in bite sized chunks

UML in bite sized chunks


I started writing this book in 2002 and typically got waylaid with jobs for clients.  Recently our website went down and I decided to rebuild it using magnolia.  In the interim, we have no site so I moved the content (as best as I could to confluence site).  This was a blessing in disguise.  Instead of creating a site for the company and then linking it into our wiki I could do everything in a one stop shop manner.  So, having had to move the site to confluence I thought it was about time I moved our whiteboarding books to here to.  Hopefully you will find our papers and books as enjoyable in reading as I did in writing them.

The UML is the most profound and exceptional piece of collaborative work undertaken by a group of computer scientist.  It is a language that can be used in any phase of the software development lifecycle, as an architectural tool or a business analysis tool.

UML by experience is a collection of notes assembled into a book that lead you through a process we call “catalysis”.  This process will demonstrate what the core UML models are, how to use them and how they relate to one another.  More importantly, we demonstrate how to transform one UML diagram into another.

Whiteboarding books is a process that we along with our partners have developed during the past 20 years of professional lecturing.  It is the process of transferring the images and associated chit chat that takes place during an instructor lead course into a book.  You will find Whiteboarding books to be chatty in their nature, very informal but extremely informative and precise.

One of the key differences to whiteboarding books is the images, they are all hand drawn.  The images are direct captures of what you would see if you were sat in one of our lectures and the instructor was drawing an image on a whiteboard.

We hope you enjoy the ride...

Copyright © 2006, Selvyn Wright and Whiteboarding books
Authour: Selvyn Wright
The use of this material is strictly confined to your personal use.  Images and text may not be copied electronically or through print or photocopy means without the prior permission of the Author and copyright.


I will work through the following examples to demonstrate the UML models and the correlation between them 

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