Installing Chrome
Got this page, copy the PowerShell script on that page to install Chrome. Open a PowerShell window in admin mode and paste the command in. It will install Chrome and place an icon on your desktop
Installing other required applications
Open Chrome and point it to - there a useful bookmarks here.
Point Chrome to here
Install the following items onto your new machine. Install all apps into c:\pf. Do not install into C:\Program Files or C:\Programs Files(x86).
You will not be editing any code on this machine so VSC is not needed,
Software | Web Address |
Notepad++ | |
Python | |
Node (64bit Windows) | |
npm | npm install download |
Java (Windows JDK) When installing, there is an option to Set JAVA_HOME, make sure it is selected. The Location option is disabled until you select Next, you then need to select Back, it will then be enabled | |
Jenkins (see instructions below) | |
Mocha | npm install -g mocha |
Chai | npm install -g chai |
Selenium | pip install selenium |
Git |
Special Considerations for Jenkins
Follow these dialog options
Change the location to c:\pf\jenkins
Account = Administrator
Password = <the one AWS created>
Select Test Credentials
You need to enable this privilege for this account
From the start menu type policy
Select the option shown above
In this application drill down as shown
Right click on “Log on as a service”, select “properties”
Select the option circled
Type Administrator as shown and then select Check Names
The data should change to as shown above. Select OK
The list should now be updated. Press Apply and OK. Close the Local Security Policy window.
Retest the credntials.