Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  2. Open a terminal (either Terminal in VSCode or Windows Powershell) pointing to your project folder. For this task we will work with the Department component from the previous exercise.

  3. Type in npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap . After a short installation you should see the process finished with no errors. You may see some audit warnings, we will disregard those for now.

  4. Open your package.json and check that the Bootstrap dependency has been indeed added.

  5. In index.js include the following bootstrap css link

    Code Block
    import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
  6. Create a new folder inside your src folder called assets. This is where all the pictures will go that we will use in our website. Download 5 random pictures from the internet, rename them to 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg and 5.jpg and place them into this folder.

  7. We will use a Bootstrap component to help us style our Department component. We will use a Bootstrap Card component.

  8. Inside the Department component, replace the previous code with the Card component code. We will use the information from the props to be displayed in the Card and also dynamically generate the picture source.

    Code Block
    <Card style={{ width: '18rem' }}>
          <Card.Img variant="top" src={require(`../assets/${props.dept.dep_id}.jpg`)} />
              This is team {props.dept.team_id}.
              <Button variant="primary">Go somewhere</Button>
  9. Run npm start and check the view in your browser.

View file

Task 2 - Adding StateTask 2 - Adding State

  1. Create a new component called DepartmentForm.jsx

  2. We will use Bootstrap Form component to help us create a nice looking form. We only need two fields - department name and team id.

    Code Block
    return (
        <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formDeptName">
          <Form.Label>Department Name</Form.Label>
          <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="Enter department name"/>
        <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formTeamId">
          <Form.Label>Team Id</Form.Label>
          <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="Enter team id"/>
        <Button variant="primary" type="submit">
  3. In this case, we will need two variables - deptName and teamId - that will constitute the state for this component. They will change based on what the user types. So we need to declare them as state.

    Code Block
    const [deptName, setDeptName] = useState('');
    const [teamId, setTeamId] = useState('');
  4. The input fields in the form we just created will be controlled components. We will pass in the initial values and make sure we get the updated values into our state variables whenever the user makes a change.

    Code Block
    return (
        <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formDeptName">
          <Form.Label>Department Name</Form.Label>
          <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="Enter department name" value={deptName}
            onChange ={event=>setDeptName(}/>
        <Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formTeamId">
          <Form.Label>Team Id</Form.Label>
          <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="Enter team id" value={teamId}
            onChange ={event=>setTeamId(}/>
        <Button variant="primary" type="submit">
  5. The state variables are now updated correctly with the values from the input field. The last thing to handle is the submit button. Let’s add an event handler for onSubmit event into the <Form> element.

    Code Block
    <Form onSubmit={addDepartment}>
  6. Create an anonymous function and assign it to a variable called addDepartment. The function will accept one parameter - e - that represents the object of the event. First thing we will need to do it to stop the default behaviour - prevent the browser to create a post request. To do so, use the event's preventDefault() method.

  7. Within the body of the anonymous functions, create a JSON object to represent the department - assign it an id, dep_name would have the value of the deptName state and team_id would have the value of teamID state variable.

  8. You can use console.log to see the object's values.

    Code Block
    const addDepartment = (e) =>{
            let dept = {
                "id" : 6,
                "dep_name" : deptName,
                "team_id" : teamId
  9. Add the DepartmentForm to the view - include it into the AllDepartments.jsx component. We can use the Bootstrap layout components to help us to place our form next to the Cards showing the departments information.

    Code Block
          <Col><DepartmentForm submitHandler = {addDepartment} /></Col>

Task 3 - Add inverse flow

  1. We would like to add the previously created JSON dept object to our list of departments that resides in the AllDepartments.jsx component. That is also the parent of the DepartmentForm.jsx.

  2. We will create the inverse flow - pass a handler from the parent( AllDepartments ) to the child ( DepartmentForm ) component.

    Code Block
    <DepartmentForm submitHandler = {addDepartment} />
  3. The addDepartment is a variable holding an anonymous function that adds a new element to the array of departments.

    Code Block
    const addDepartment = (dept)=>{
  4. In the child component - DepartmentForm - use the submitHandler props to invoke the addDepartment function.

    Code Block
    const addDepartment = (e) =>{
            let dept = {
                "id" : 6,
                "dep_name" : deptName,
                "team_id" : teamId
  5. When you run it, open your Inspect tool in the browser and you should see the updated array in your Console.