Versions Compared


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Capabilities are one of the most misunderstood concepts in modern businesses. The idea isn't new, you only have to look at how the defence and nuclear industry have used this term for over 20+ years. Quite often people use the terms capabilities and function interchangeably, but it's important to note that they are NOT the same thing and can NOT be used in this interchangeable manner. In this section of the TOGAF TOGAF® AIDES Space, we attempt to define capability and demonstrate why it's not just a function.

Capability can be defined as - the ability to achieve a desired effect/outcome in a specific operating environment, it is a logical construct that is made manifest through the components of an organisation.



Capabilities are high level building blocks that can be arranged in a number of ways to allow an enterprise to achieve it's goals.  Let's try and resolve the mystery surrounding this term.


Alternatively one could choose to define capability using the architectural unification approach POLDAT

  • Process (business processes)
  • Organisation (structures)
  • Location (Geographical information)
  • Data (models, life cycles, security etc)
  • Application (software, security, interoperability etc)
  • Technology (infrastructure)


Our next task is to try and illustrate this weaving the dynamic nature that we have exists between the elements described above?  One  We know that there exists some kind of structural relationship between the elements and we've hinted at this in the models above, but the behavioural heuristics are an important part of understanding any system.  

One approach that we are currently trying, is to map the thread through a of behaviour that is needed using an UML activity model.  We are do not using use it to map a process flow but to simply illustrate the way in which a number of entities must collaborate to realise the capability.  In our  As an illustration of this we could use swimlanes to provide a visual way of representing organisational units and other sub units inner lanes to represent other elements within the model (do not confuse this model with value stream mapping, that is not what we are doing).


In this context the partners will have some clearly defined goals but, they will have similar or even the same set of capabilities which makes it easier to do like for like comparisons, allowing you to ignore the physical implementation e.g. comparing the check-in or baggage handling capabilities across airports.  These partners will clearly want to know which of them has the best capability to help deliver the outcome(s).  Once these partners have a clear understanding of each others capabilities, they can decide amongst themselves which one of them should bring that which capability to bear to deliver the outcome.  

Consider Another example would be a food retailer wanting to expand it's geographic delivery reach.  It already has a national transportation capability (it's speedy, cost effective, small, can deliver varied goods, including food but not frozen food) but not an international capability.  The retailer could attempt to expand its transportation capability - this could be costly and if the expansion fails it could be a costly exercise, it cost the organisation dearly.  It could purchase the capability from a logistics company or it could partner with another retailer that has the desired capability and geographic reach the retailer wants.  The last two options would be highly favourable.  The logistics company would be use used to delivering deliver goods of all kinds and would definitely have the infrastructure required.  The other retailer if selected correctly would be bring brand expansion to the food retailer as well as other possible benefits. 


A very good example of this would be training organisations.  How would you compare a number of training companies.  

Ref A

  • size of the portfolio (single supplier to meet all your training needs)
  • training schedule (courses are run on a regular basis at well defined across many locations)
  • geographical reach (ability to attend courses without having to travel 10s of miles)
  • ability to deliver training in a public and non public manner
  • quality of the delivery (the trainers have a reputation of being easy to work with and having a great delivery style)
  • flexibility of courses (i.e. can be courses be tailored)
  • programme delivery (boot camps etc, managed learning, apprentiships)
  • the brand
  • flexible and attractive cost models

Having worked in the training industry for 21 years I would categorise the core capabilities for a training company as 

  • portfolio size - the scale of available topics
  • training delivery - the ability to deliver a learning outcome, involves courseware and possibly equipment
  • portfolio management - the ability to make courseware available through authored courseware or purchased courseware
  • customer relationship management - the ability to understand your customers training needs

We should be able to attribute these capabilities with characteristics listed above Ref A.

With just these three capabilities it's possible to perform a comparison of any number of training organisations


You want to compete in a particular sector but the way in which you are structured and operate doesn't allow you do a like for like comparison with your competitors.  So you take an industry defined capability model, look at its goals outcomes and determine how would you align your organisation up against the industry standard to bring about those capabilities to deliver those goalsoutcomes.

Creating new goals/opportunities

Once you have gone through the exercise of defining your capabilities (which when combined in certain ways deliver certain goalsoutcomes), it now becomes possible to combine those capabilities in other ways to discover what other goals outcomes can be achieveddelivered, in other words what opportunities do the new combinations create.


Your defined capabilities are there to deliver a long term strategy.  In the interim, pressure points force you to respond to them through short term goalson a tactical basis to deliver certain outcomes.  These short term goals outcomes require certain adjustments to your long term defined capabilities, the capability increments (up or down) result in work being down done in your organisation to handle the pressure point.  The aim is to not change the long term strategy (capabilities) goals but adjust them to deliver the short and long term goalsoutcomes.

Defining your capabilities


Start by looking for industry capability models for your sector.  Develop an  Ensure you have a clear understanding of the goals outcomes of each capability and which goals outcomes are delivered by combined capabilities.

If there are no industry capability models, begin by clearly stating your goalsown desired outcomes.  Now logically map out a set of capabilities that deliver those goalsoutcomes.

Once your capabilities are defined, begin to ask the questions shown in the diagram below (for each answer you will need to map it to what you currently do in your organisation)
