Alternatively one could choose to approach a capability from the architectural unification approach POLDAT
- Process (business processes)
- Organisation (structures)
- Location (Geographical information)
- Data (models, life cycles, security etc)
- Application (software, security, interoperability etc)
- Technology (infrastructure)
We can now start to see that as we weave through the different parts of the organisation we need to ask the following questions
So how best can illustrate this weaving nature that I have described above? One approach that we are currently trying is to map the thread through a UML activity model. We use swimlanes to provide a visual way of representing organisational units and other sub units.
Defining a capability is an extensive task but once done can lead to a major simplification in the overall understanding and modelling of a problem domain. Consider the following example, you you want to build a home from scratch, core required capabilities