Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

I was putting together some code to demonstrate how modifying a state variable causes a component to rerender.  All was going will until I put a timer on the component, that got the current time and displayed it in the page.  That worked fine example 1, but it all changed when I wanted to keep a list of all the times and print them all out each time a new time was added, things a got a little weird, example 2. 


If you want data to persist across component renders, you need to use useRef(). We'll cover this in another section

Example 2

All of the above explains why the following code will not run as expected if you don’t use the useRef() callackcallback

Code Block
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useRef } from 'react';

function getTheTime()
    let currentDate = new Date();
    let currentTime = currentDate.getHours() + ":" + currentDate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentDate.getSeconds();
    return currentTime;

export default function ContainerFcWuE(){
    const [simpleField, setSimpleField] = useState('');
    const [containerState, setContainerState] = useState([getTheTime()]);
    /* Without these two lines below, this code will not work as expected
     * The problem is, every time a state field changes the function is
     * is re-executed in it's entirety, so the state fields are completely
     * reset.  I know I was suprised by this fact!
     * useRef allows you to create a mutable value that does not cause a 
     * re-render when it is changed.
     * If you remove containerRef and containerRef.current and replace
     * containerRef.current with containerState, you will see the problem.
     * A description of this problem and a solution can be found at
    const containerRef = useRef([]);
    containerRef.current = containerState;
    const addToList = name => {
       console.log(`Current array: ${containerRef.current}`);
        const update = [...containerRef.current, name];

       console.log(`Updated array: ${update}`);
    const addTimeToList = () => {

    const getDisplayData = () => {
        const cdata =, index) =>
                                    <li key={index}>{item}</li>);
        return cdata;

    // This useEffect will only run once when the compone is mounted
        }, 10000);
    }, [])

    // This useEffect will run every time the component re-renders
    useEffect(() =>{

    // This useEffect will run every time the simpleField changes
    useEffect(() =>{
    }, [simpleField]);

    // This useEffect will run every time the component is unmounted
    useEffect(() =>{
        return ()=>console.log("unmounting the ContainerFcWuE");

    return (
            Type something (open dev tools/console to see behaviour)<input type='text' value={simpleField} onChange={(e) => setSimpleField(} />
            <div onClick={e => setSimpleField("YYY")}>
                <h2>[fcwue] Click Me</h2>