Versions Compared


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For each repo create your own repos first

  1. Create a new repo on your github account. A possible name might be “find-highest-number-tests”

  2. Using git bash navigate to the /c/work folder

  3. Clone this project down using this command git clone

  4. Change the remote location to your repo using the command git remote set-url origin <remote_url> (where <remote_url> is the url of your new repo)

  5. In Visual Studio Code open the folder new-folder


Git Repo

Tests To Think About

Demonstrates the basic structure of a TestCafe test

git clone


An empty project for Quicklab 03

git clone


Relates to writing tests for Quicklab “Personal Details Tests”

git clone

Verify that if an expression is entered into first-name and last-name, the first letter of each word capitalized

Verify that when the form is loaded the age label is empty

Verify that if a date is applied to the date picker, the age label shows the correct age